Harmonisatie en Optimalisatie van Rotterdamse IC naZorg binnen het IC Rijnmond Netwerk
Literatuurstudie over Medisch toepassingen van virtual/augmented/mixed reality…
Multicenter studie "Patients suffering from psychological impairment following critical illness are in need of information."…
"Virtual Reality Tailored tot the needs of post-ICU patients; a safety and immersiveness study in healthy volunteers."…
"Virtual Reality to Improve Sequelae of the Postintensive Care Syndrome: A Multicenter, Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study."…
"Psychologic Distress and Quality of Life After ICU Treatment for Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Multicenter, Observational Cohort Study."…
"Psychological distress and health-related quality of life in patients after hospitalization during the COVID-19 pandemic: A singlecenter, observation…
"Intensive Care Unit-Specific Virtual Reality for Psychological RecoveryAfter ICU Treatment for COVID-19; A Brief Case Report."…
"Effect of intensive care unit-specific virtual reality (ICU-VR) to improve psychological well-being and quality of life in COVID-19 ICU survivors: a …
"Virtual reality for relatives of ICU patients to improve psychological sequelae: study protocol for a multicentre, randomised controlled trial."…